Giving Tech a Soul
Behind every technology there are people who want to improve our world, make our society more sustainable, or simply make our everyday life a little more comfortable. We tell the stories of these people and show what motives and visions drive them. Naratek is a digital magazine at the intersection of technology, society, and culture. We explain, explore, and scrutinize future technologies. Because we believe that we should already be thinking about tomorrow’s world today.
Meet the Team
Our editorial staff comprises eight individuals. Each of us has his or her own perspective on technology topics, yet we all have something in common: We want to critically examine new concepts and analyze familiar topics from a new perspective. But above all, we want to entertain and inspire our readers with fascinating stories.

Bettina Bhend
I have always been interested in the natural sciences and technology. But since I am poor at math, I became a historian and journalist. I am fascinated by everything associated with being on the move: new mobility concepts, the logistics of the future, social acceleration processes, or digital nomads. And long train rides with a big stack of books.

Thomas Peterhans
Co-editor in Chief
Changing the world. The three switches on the TS-808, an effects pedal for guitars, used to be all it took. It sparked enthusiasm: for technology and its impact. “What happens if...” also interests me as a journalist. For example, the question regarding how new technologies are changing our world.

Ralph Hofbauer
Senior Editor
As a child, I was interested in cars, planes, and rocket ships. But since I have always been all thumbs and poor at math, becoming an engineer was never really an option. My fascination for technology has remained, among other things because humans and machines are growing ever closer together.

Johannes Giesler
With my knowledge-related stories, I want to understand and help others understand. So far, I have never written about a topic that has been simply black-and-white. It’s the gray zone in between where things become exciting. Currently, my focus is on dangerous language, the drivers of the future, and vegan nutrition.

Sarah Hadorn
I am intrigued by how new technologies can improve the world and our society. Quite seriously. I want to tell stories about this and meet people with new ideas and concepts. My main interests: sustainable development and anything associated with sociology – even though I’m no sociologist. Apart from this, I love French cheese, thick American novels, and cats.

Stefan Jermann
Editor in Chief, Creative Director
Initiator and founder of Naratek. Has been moving in the field of communication and storytelling for over 20 years. Strong affinity for tech topics, urban transformations and how people will live and move in cities in the future.

Andrea Schmits
Artificial intelligence, autonomous driving, smart homes: The future is closer than we think. As a journalist, I have a passion for many topics – and I enjoy telling readers the stories behind them. I have been doing this for print and online magazines, newspapers, and blogs for more than a decade. Before that, I studied journalism and sociology at the University of Zurich.

Lukas Rüttimann
I love people, and I love technology. My fascination is awakened when each inspires the other. Then I grasp my analog notepad– and try to capture the whole story. Still analog, because for me, certain things will always remain a handicraft.
Your Story?
Are you an author, copywriter, photographer, or filmmaker, and would you like to make a contribution to Naratek? Then send us an outline of your idea. BUT: We do not publish advertisements, advertorials, or branded content and we do not accept gifts of any kind. We publish all content out of conviction.
Get in touch with us
Are you a researcher and would you like to share your findings with us? Do you run a start-up that wants to change the world? Or do you have suggestions for our editorial team? Then hit the keys. We look forward to your input and feedback.