Full-text search Fulltext search 219 Resultate What are time series and why should you use them to make better business decisions Did you ever find yourself in situations where you thought “If only I had known this before…”? Maybe you wondered how you could adjust your targets based on previous experiences but didn’t know how to learn from them correctly? Then Time Series Analytics is the tool you’re missing out on. Is your machine Self Learning? Inrecent years, few technologies have evolved at the speed of Artificial Intelligence, and in particular at that of Neural Networks. This exponential growth has been achieved mainly due to two factors: New car camera detects pedestrians 100 times faster A new type of car camera recognises obstacles 100 times faster than previous driver assistance systems. In future, this technology should help to brake cars in good time if a pedestrian suddenly runs into the road. Are CO2 absorbers the saviors of the climate crisis? In the fight against climate change, gigatons of carbon dioxide will have to be removed from the atmosphere over the course of the century - using so-called carbon dioxide removal (CDR) technologies are giving people new hope.